Thornton Primary School

Thornton Primary School

Love • Respect • Ambition

Love. Respect. Ambition.

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The School Governor

Governors are the link between the school and the community and representatives of all those with an interest in the well-being and reputation of the school. Governors can make a real difference to the performance of the school and have a real part to play in making the school successful.


The governing body consists of individuals from as many different backgrounds as possible in order to fully reflect the community the school serves.  Everyone has something to offer.


They are all volunteers working in their own time, and are all busy people.  However, they feel that they gain much in personal development as well as a feeling of satisfaction that they have played an important part in improving education in the local community.


At Thornton Primary School, the Governing Body consists of two sub committees: Standards & Effectiveness and Finance, Staffing & Resources. The two committees meet at least once each term. In addition to these meetings, all governors attend the Full Governors meeting every autumn, spring and summer.


The governing body of our school is responsible for:


·     Ensuring that pupils receive high quality education and that the conduct of the school reflects this aim

·     Working with the headteacher on the strategic planning and management of the school

·     Considering and agreeing the aims and policies of the school

·     Discussing and approving the targets for improvement

·     Appointing the staff

·     Setting and monitoring the budget

·     Monitoring the performance of the school
