Thornton Primary School

Thornton Primary School

Love • Respect • Ambition

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Forest School Curriculum Overview

Forest School is an inspirational process that offers all learners regular opportunities to achieve and develop their confidence and self-esteem, through hands-on learning experiences in a natural environment.

Forest School is a specialised learning approach that sits within, and compliments, the wider context of outdoor education.


At Thornton, we teach Forest School lessons so that all the children have a chance to develop a wide range of skills that they wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity to do inside the classroom. Often these are Bush craft skills, whilst developing an inquisitive, caring attitude toward the natural world. We endeavour, that through the Forest School experiences, to create environmentally conscious citizens for the future.

We also use Forest School lessons as an opportunity to enhance other areas of the National Curriculum, by providing real life experiences in which to apply their learning. We regularly carry out Science, Geography and Art related activities, whilst a range of reading materials are available for both pleasure and independent research.

We support our SEND children by providing opportunities for them to excel, without written methods of recording their learning and no one correct answer being required. Key vocabulary is taught, displayed and referred to throughout the sessions. Activities are adapted and a range of tools are available to support children with a range of needs, if required.


Each week, every class spends either a full morning or afternoon session in Forest School. Additional therapeutic sessions are provided to small groups of identified pupils, who require support with aspects of their social, emotional, and mental health.
