Teaching Assistants
Mrs Wood works in Willow Class, Year 1. She has many important roles which include supporting the children when they make the transition from EYFS to Year 1 as well leading the teaching of additional phonics sessions for children in Year 1-Year 6.
Mrs Duckworth works across Rowan Class, Year 3/4 and Maple Class, Year 2. She has a passion for leading interventions and watching the children learn and develop.
Mrs Thompson spends most of the week working in Beech Class, Year 4/5 and Sycamore Class, Year 6 in her role as a Higher Level Teaching Assistant. As well as this, Mrs Thompson is also responsible for the Choir and School Council and works in the Breakfast Provision, Planet Club.
Mrs Jenkinson works in Hazel Class, Pre-School/Reception. She has the important role of helping to ensure the children settle well into our school when they join us.
Mrs Newman works each morning in Maple Class, Year 2. She uses her experience to help support and guide the children she works with so they can achieve their full potential.
Mrs Maskell works across various different classes, often supporting small groups of children to help ensure they achieve their best.