Thornton Primary School

Thornton Primary School

Love • Respect • Ambition

Love. Respect. Ambition.

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PSHE Curriculum Overview


At our school, we deliver a PSHE curriculum which is accessible to all that will maximise the outcomes for every child so that they are equipped to lead a successful life within, and beyond, Thornton Primary School.


We provide our children with opportunities to learn about school and British Values as well as rights and responsibilities; we want to equip our children with the knowledge and skills to appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Our children are also encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.


We utilise a PSHE Scheme of Work, SCARF, in order to equip pupils with a sound understanding of the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions. This is delivered in a sequential manner; building on prior learning and preparing for future learning. To ensure the curriculum reflects the needs of our pupils, we utilise additional resources such as the Raising Aspirations programme and Lancashire's Road Safety so that we ensure we cover the National Curriculum statutory guidance on drug education, financial education, citizenship, personal safety, relationship education (RE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle. In September 2022, we will implement an additional programme, Kidsafe, to support our children's understanding of recognising types of abuse and how to keep themselves safe.


As a result of this, our children will have developed their knowledge and skills so they can be healthy, independent and responsible members of society who understand how they are developing personally and socially, and who have the confidence to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.



Scheme of Work

The following Units are taught using the Coram Life Education SCARF Resources:

Me and My Relationships

Valuing Difference

Keeping Myself Safe

Rights and Responsibilities

Being My Best

Growing and Changing


In addition to the SCARF Scheme of Work, at the beginning of each half-term, the first PSHE lesson focuses on one of our Core Values of Love, Respect, Ambition. Whole School Assemblies mirror the values taught.


We also utilise the Raising Aspirations Programme to teach our children in the Year 6 class about the importance of being aspirational and having high ambitions.


Each term, our PSHE curriculum is enhanced with a Citizenship Project which is decided on by each class so that they have the opportunity to develop a greater understanding of the importance of community engagement.



To ensure all of our children with Special Educational Needs can access PSHE, our teachers use adaptive teaching approaches which allow all children to learn the necessary knowledge and develop a range of skills. This can take many different forms such as pre-teaching concepts, providing additional 1:1 support or implementing 'scaffolds'.


Learning Connections

There are a multitude of opportunities to make links to other areas of our curriculum. During the Computing Curriculum/Assembly Calendar, all children learn about how to keep themselves safe in the modern world when online. In our Forest School, children learn about the importance of personal safety when using a wide range of tools and lighting fires. In science, children learn about out bodies and reproduction; making appropriate links to the relationships education part of our PSHE curriculum. When teaching PSHE, links are made to these other areas of learning so children can make learning connections.



Learning subject specific vocabulary enables children to better understand the subject matter. For each year group, specific vocabulary has been identified that all children must learn and understand so that we know they have fully understood what it is they have been learning about.

As we have mixed aged groups in some classes, we have included this year's Curriculum Overview and the Full Overview.



We implement the SCARF Assessment resources to assess and track our children's learning across the PSHE Curriculum. Where our curriculum is supplemented with additional schemes/programmes such as Road Safety, we utilise the specific resources to assess our children's learning.


In order to effectively assess learning, the children carry out a pre-unit and end of unit assessment each half-term. This type of assessment activity enables both the teacher and the children to clearly see the progress that they have made. Using this, and ongoing formative assessments, we assess children using the SCARF/scheme specific 'I can Statements' to ensure children have developed a secure understanding of the essential knowledge they need to have.
