Thornton Primary School

Thornton Primary School

Love • Respect • Ambition

Love. Respect. Ambition.

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Mrs White is the Class Teacher in Hazel Class, EYFS. She also leads Art and PSHE across school as well as Personal Development. She is very passionate about developing the different learning environments, ensuring our children are engaged each day and are able to build on their learning experiences throughout EYFS so they are ready to move onto Year 1 at the end of the academic year.


Mrs Young is Willow Class, Year 1, Class Teacher. One of her main aims is to ensure all children's smooth transition from EYFS into Year 1 where children begin to learn the National Curriculum. Mrs Young also has responsibility for Phonics, French and Design Technology across school.


Miss Smith joined our school in September 2024. She is an Early Career Teacher, in her first year of teaching and teaches Maple Class, Year 2.



Mrs Brocklehurst teaches in Rowan Class, Year 3/4. She is also our Forest School Leader and teaches Forest School to her class. Mrs Brocklehurst also has responsibility for Science and History across school.






Mr Burgess is our Deputy Headteacher, having joined our school in September 2021. He has responsibility for developing teaching & learning across school as well as teaching Year 4/5, Beech Class, and leading English and Computing.




Mrs Barnes is the Class Teacher in Sycamore Class, Year 6. She has worked at Thornton Primary School for many years, previously as a Teaching Assistant and now as a Class Teacher. As well as teaching Sycamore Class, Mrs Barnes' responsibilities also include leading Maths, PE and Assessment across school as well as transition to High School for the Year 6 children.



Much of our PE and sports is taught by Mr Sharp our specialist PE Teacher. He teaches all children in school from Hazel to Sycamore Class and also leads two extra-curricular sports clubs each week.
